My desire for you is to live your life abundantly. To bring forward your Higher Self and shine bright . . .


Divine Energy Healing

In this comprehensive healing session, Svetlana invokes the highest energies of Love, Light, and Healing to channel the healing energy to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Each chakra will be opened and balanced, and energy blocks will be processed as necessary, and removed using psychic techniques.

Svetlana will use a combination of channeled energies, color, tuning forks, crystals, secret language, and/or dialogue depending on the specific needs of the client.







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Limitless Creator -
The Dreams Course

Do you feel like you are not where you want to be in you are missing something? You look at other people who have what you want and wonder why it is not you. 

You are a good person, smart, loving, funny, with a charm. You also quite ambitious, you set up goals and achieve them (well, most of the time) You have dreams and you know you are destined for more. You have even read a few self help books, got familiar with the law of attraction, took some programs and seminars, but things somehow have not clicked yet.  

You, friend, are right where all of those missing pieces come together. If you know that you are destined for more, this course is for you.


Start the Course

Soulful Evolution and Self Knowledge

In this small group coaching program, you will discover a Divine Being within you. You will learn to live in alignment with your highest self. You will connect with and understand the voice of your soul. You will get to tap into new levels of possibilities within your consciousness and the world. 











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